Monday 16 January 2012



sy mengaku sy selalu xlayan artis malaysia ni terutama artis baru yg menggedik naek..but,,lately i am making an exception just for neelofa.

when shes first being public in dewi remaja i said to my colleges...what a shame she so sexy for kelantanis women...indeed she a winner plak..lagila i mcm damn...not so beauty... how can she win..ixara jauh lebih cute..but..after i realize her capability and how she blend in this industry.i know why dewi remaje's judge choose her as a winner.

despite all the rumor about her become a reason in shah jazle-maria farida relationship ended. i dont think that all 100% her fault.maybe she the one who become lead actress in the wrong time.

i am wonder why she has the opportunity to write a column in Malaysian newspaper.not gossip column but ilmiah punye column.bukan calang2 orng dpt peluang mcm tu.kenape neelofa??

ini salah satu penulisan inspiring ok..a lot of info we as a students can get from her thought.

Rasuah pemusnah negara

i have do some research about her..i am very surprise to know that she is a brilliant student.not just average student but excellent achievement in is the artist that we should adore.  

u know why she so good in writing n hosting..i show u why...

Biodata Neelofa

she got 10 A in spm..10 bro...i only got half of her...memang she deserve to be an artis but one thing i am still a big fan of fazura....hehehe...

finally,ade jugk gmbr die yg tutup aurat...redho..

for further information about neelofa u can go to her twitter and blog..
itu saje..hidup orng kelantan..hehehe