Saturday 26 November 2011

eric volz...

salam..hai readers...

bajet ramai bace.ok today i want to share to all of my readers about one of the misconduct cases involved Eric volz.u can Google about him. i just watched about him in E! investigation. i don't know if the story that E! get it just a half side only,but the video in Nicaragua's court doesn't lie. maybe Eric wrong to be a jealous boyfriend but in my opinion evident show that he can't kill his girl.she a beautiful Nicaragua's citizen. maybe it is just a robbery gone wrong.

i hope he can get justice that he deserved. when u read my blog i want you know that a lot of Malaysian's people also held in other country especially at American latin because of drug trafficking. they all become a donkey because they trust an offer one in a life time to get a lot of money if they success in their task.which is they do not know that they will bringing a drug to other country and when they get caught all of their communication to other will cut off.

injustice is a very common thing that will happen if u get caught in other country. luckily malaysia country have the NGO and other government association that willing to help their citizen.just like American help Eric Volz deport from Nicaragua.

in Eric case i am more sympathy with Doris's mom who lost her daughter and the justice that she needed. God bless you Doris...   

Tuesday 22 November 2011

"The One That Got Away"


once in ur life have u imagine that one day,ur love one can got away and left u survived alone in this ugly world.
bile bercinta mestilaa kita dh janji macam2 dengn our love one.nak sehidup sematila..nak smbng beljr same2 la...masuk u yg same.pilih tmpt keje yang same..tahukah anda yg itu semua karut.i dont belive in far distance love.for me, bila kite dh di tempt yg baru and a lot ahead us.kt akan jumpe rmai lg orng yg lebh dri yg kt ada skrng.sooo rugi jike kt dh limitkn perasaan just for the one.

nasihat sy pada students sy yg baru beljr bercinte needlaa nk serahkan everything to the one and hope he be yours one lame...kang bile dh clash frust xhengat..beljr lagila...exam tu lg pntng dri bercinte... not trust all of ur love one promises..maybe u just a dreamer...


celebrating raya 2011 with pictures's been a while..a lot of time taken just to publish this post...

hujung tahun adalah masa yang paling tidak seronok bagi semua orang yang is not just me..i knew it...

semua kerje perlu dilunaskan supaya tahun hadapan other pople xkan merungut dpt task dri kita yg half done or undone.

raya 2011...we all beraya di kelantan..seronok perjalanan about 12 hours because we take a long route and a lot of eating breaks.

day 1...

singgah pam gas-t'ganu..
mcm2 gaya tidur-sampai tumpat 3 a.m

dh segar-time to berziarah

 these pictures all taken at kg laut tumpat.

days 2...

sekolah my father..

sakit mate...

di kuala krai xsempat nk g merayau2...

last day-odw balik n.9...

jalan jam xhengat...

kuih mesti beli..

gaya tidor dalam jam yg pelbagai...